Stewart Muir
Across a multi-decade international career as a journalist, communicator and corporate executive, Stewart has consistently infused his work with genuine passion and authenticity. At Headwaters Strategy Group, he has cultivated a skilled team of communicators, creatives and digital strategists with decades of expertise across a range of industries and subject areas relevant to challenges in today’s public relations environment.
Stewart’s extensive expertise encompasses diverse domains, from supporting nationally-significant investments in natural resources to working closely with executives and senior leaders in both the public and private sectors to improve their performance.
His dedication to sensing and articulating the visions and values of others distinguishes him not just as a journalist, but also as a visionary adept at forging connections, nurturing ideas and igniting transformative change.
At the heart of our strategic storytelling firm lies an unswerving commitment to our core values. Authenticity infuses every narrative we create, ensuring a genuine and sincere connection with our audience. Transparency underpins our interactions, building trust with partners and audiences alike.
Driven by passion, we see challenges as opportunities for growth, transforming adversity into progress. Amid diverse narratives, our mission emerges – amplifying often-unheard voices, empowering unique perspectives. With unwavering dedication, we spotlight under-represented viewpoints, providing them the prominence they deserve.
Through authenticity, transparency, passion, and unwavering commitment, we reshape stories, invigorate narratives, and foster inclusivity in the storytelling landscape. At Headwaters, these values shape our narrative journey, fuelling our dedication to meaningful and impactful storytelling.